Artist Interview - Andrea Young (Pt. 1)

Welcome to the FLICK family! 👪

Your sumptuous deck, Love At First Fright 🧛 is packed full of saucy bewitching women. You’ve certainly made these curvaceous characters yours.

- I love creating sassy pin ups! Usually, whatever mood I'm in will reflect their mood. My objective is to bring some joy into this crazy world.

How does it feel seeing your cards in game? How did you find the production / creation process? (Hopefully not too frightful!) 🎃

- I feel so excited! I cannot wait to share with everyone and play when they are live! It definitely took me a minute to get  the specifications right, but you guys had a great text and visual guide to help (thank you!) and were always there via email to answer my 1,000 questions even with time difference. So excited to be a part of the FLICK family!

Have you ever seen a mermaid? 🧜‍♀️

- I'm sure I have had many mermaid dreams but sadly no mermaid sightings YET in real life. My 7 year old self’s goal was to be a mermaid.

Your artwork deliciously teases a vintage cartoon style - which cartoons did you watch as a child, or maybe still do!? ;) 🎨

- I definitely still watch cartoons! My degree is in animation and media arts. I have an extra special love for cartoons and animation and the process that goes into making them. When I was in preschool I watched Disney's Robin Hood on repeat. I loved anything fairy or mermaid related like Fern Gully and another on repeat was The Last Unicorn. I have always been obsessed with Catwoman.

Is it Halloween in your house everyday? 🌕

- I wish! If it were all up to me I'd have some spooky glam going on all year round. I keep most of my trinkets in my office so I can look at fun things while I work, but I only put out the Halloween decor in September. It's more fun for my kids to decorate each year.

What is your go-to Halloween costume? 🔮

- My go-to costume has to be a black cat. I wear black often (my daughter complains) so I always have the items to whip up a spooky kitty.

Your favourite spooky tale/book? 📕

- I'm not sure I have a favourite one. I don't like to get too scared! BUT, I do love ghost stories (even though they scare me!) I most recently read City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab which I really enjoyed and recently watched Crimson Peaks which spooked me out, but was so visually pretty.

Which is your favourite FLICK Solitaire deck, and why? 🃏

- I love Bhavya's deck. His style is simplistic, but detailed at the same time. The colours are bold and flow well. I'm a sucker for details and his deck design is full of them.

Spiders or rats - which scare you most? 🕸

- I think both are cute! But I'd have to say rats scare me more.

What made you belly laugh recently? 🤣

- My daughter always makes me laugh! The other night she was whipping her head toward me after I blew on her hair and was giving me this hilarious side eye. Definitely had a hearty laugh over that.

How do you think attitudes have changed towards sexualisation since you started drawing? ✏️

- Risqué themes have always been around whether in secret or hidden in men's magazines. I'm glad there are more outlets than just “men’s magazines” these days. I think everyone is becoming more comfortable and kind to their bodies which is so exciting! So many people enjoy sexy/fun/cheeky art, not just dudes. I think bodies are so fun and beautiful and a scantily clad body doesn’t always have to equate to sex.

What do you wish you knew about the art industry before you joined it? 🖌️

- That it's hard to get healthcare as a freelance artist!

We know you love a tattoo or two, have you ever designed a tattoo for yourself? Which of your own are your favourite? ✒️

- I'm definitely a tattoo fan and collector. I've brought ideas to my artists, but I’ve never drawn or created one to be copied onto myself. I would critique it way too much! I love all my tattoos, but I think my favs right now are the woman dripping blood out of her mouth by my knee by Gary Dunn/Dagger-face and my moth/rose on my right thigh by Manual Valenzuela.

Do you ever experience creative blocks, if so, how do you overcome them? 🔒

- Absolutely. I just accept them as the flow of life now. I always want to be busy so it's good for me to listen to my body and brain and take breaks and not force myself if I'm not into it or uninspired.

The number 13 - lucky or unlucky? 🎲

- Lucky

Halloween in the US is a loooong celebration - how do you celebrate it? Your pumpkin designs must be the best in the neighbourhood! :)

- I start in September :D This weekend we will be going pumpkin hunting. We let the kids decorate them. I'd rather relax and watch them create. Trick-or-treating isn't on the cards this year but we will set up a table and hang out front with Maggie dog in costume should any trick- or-treaters come by. I'll have the hand sanitiser ready!

How many costumes do your children have for Halloween? 🧟

- My daughter is 7 and my son is 9 so they are still very much into dressing up. I'm almost 40 and so do I, ha! My son wants to be a Minecraft character this year and my daughter wants to be Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon.

Do you have any pets? And do they get in the Halloween spirit too? 🐱‍👤

- We've got 1 kitty (Magnum PI), a lil terrier dog (Maggie) and a leopard gecko named Star. Maggie has a few costumes: Sushi roll, mummy and unicorn. Magnum has a cute pumpkin velcro collar/bow tie type thing that he actually keeps on. He looks very dapper wearing it.

You currently live in Los Angeles, but where would be your dream location to live? 🌎

- I love spring, summer and the ocean so I'd love to live somewhere warm near the beach. New Zealand is looking very appealing at the moment. Switzerland has always fascinated me too. Time to learn a new language!

Thank you to our Queen of spooky pin-ups! Part 2 coming soon….

Treat yourself to some pin-up prints… check out more of Andrea’s work here


What’s your FLICKING story?


Artist Interview - Ponywolf