What’s your FLICKING story?

As a game that actively supports diversity and inclusion, sadly, it leaves us open for hate (often including racism and transphobia). It’s disappointing that our wonderful differences, which we chose to represent in-game, aren't celebrated by everyone 😢.

Thankfully, you FLICKING players certainly make us feel special and we want to celebrate YOU! 

Your messages full of love for our game really make us blush - especially Ian 😊. We love reading player stories of how our game has been by your side for some of your personal battles with anxiety, sleepless nights, heartbreaks, new arrivals, and those cruelly uninvited, bad days.

We want to hear more and celebrate your stories with the world!

Please tell us: love@flick.games

“Our happy creative & diverse world will keep spinning so everyone can relate, relax and be represented by our game and artwork. Every month our game becomes ever more beautiful by the artists who throw their heart and soul into making such unique and gorgeous cards.

Worldwide creativity rules!”

Team Flick


Artist Interview - Rain Demetri (Pt. 2)


Artist Interview - Andrea Young (Pt. 1)